Thursday, June 2, 2016

Working for yourself... really

Have you noticed that one of the pitches used often in the multi-level marketing industry is that you can "be your own boss" or that you can "control your own destiny"? Both are true of course...but only to an extent. If you're like me, one of the reasons you got into network marketing in the first place was the opportunity to "do your own thing", right? For a lot of reasons, that makes good sense, especially in case something happens to your regular employer and you're left out in the cold (plant shutdown, downsizing, corporate merger, etc) and realize that all of your eggs were in one basket.

But the only problem is that once you're doing your network business for awhile, you suddenly wake up one day and realize that all you've done is gone from having all your eggs in one basket to having them in another basket--your network marketing company. Instead of "building your own business", it dawns on you that really, you've become a glorified sales rep and you're actually building somebody else's business. Not good. That business can go away just as fast as the corner office job in the big corporation. It happens all the time. Or, the "next big thing" can come along and BOOM, half your downline is sucked away with it. Really not good.

What's the answer? Simple. Spend your time and effort on actually building YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Have your own website, promote multiple product lines, generate your own leads, capture and build your own e-mail list and most importantly, build brand equity in yourself instead of your network company. That way, unless you quit, die or the internet goes dark, you'll always be in business. That's true security. And real freedom.

Now of course, in life, everything involves trade-off’s. In the case of building your own internet business, the trade-off is time for money. You can literally spend hours and hours (and hundreds of dollars) trying to figure out how to do all that you’ll need to do to set up and run a profitable online business, or you can plug into a “turnkey” system, which is what I’ve chosen to do. With six young children and a full-time job, I just don’t have the time to figure it all out.

Enter Stone Evans and his wildly popular “Plug-In Profits Site”. As the name implies, simply “plug-in” to the proven system and watch the profits start to build. Not overnight, but in a month or two of investing an hour or two a day and steadily following the steps Stone outlines, you’ll be off and running with a solid, long-term business of you own. The program includes a free website with links to six different businesses on one site. Why six? Because one or two is not enough and 10-12 is too many.

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