Saturday, March 19, 2016

Improve your body and watch your swing transform

Improve your body to maximize your swing. This may sound like an oxymoron, but I can speak for over 10,000 golfers worldwide who have done it. Through my online golf performance membership site, dvds and books, I’ve heard back from over 10,000 golfers the past 6 years who have seen dramatic improvements in the their swing and game.

I have been preaching the theory of “improve your body, to improve your swing” for over 10 years now…and golfers from all over the world are finally believing it!

Turn on the television while a professional tournament is on and you’ll hear the commentator mentioned golf fitness within 5 minutes. All the pros are doing it, so why wouldn’t you?

Your body dictates your golfing ability! Period! Try to prove me wrong.

This may sound like a bold statement, but a physically limited body will have no chance at optimal swing mechanics that are repeatable for 18 holes. How many times have you been paired up with a senior golfer who couldn’t make a full backswing; or stay in his golf swing?

It’s a rampant problem!

As golfers get older, their body’s decline rapidly. With this decline in both strength and flexibility comes a huge loss of distance with all the clubs; and a game that gets more inconsistent the more you play it.

I can guarantee you 100% that if you improve your body, your swing will take care of itself. No more band aid swing fixes. No more gimmicky training aids. And not as many lessons are needed to see dramatic improvement in your swing.

Your power and consistency will be the most notable improvement by improving your body and your swing.

I’m not talking about hours a day in a sweaty gym!

I’m talking about 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a week in your home, with minimal equipment.

That’s it!

Nothing more, nothing less!

So don’t hesitate! Improve your body and your swing will be awesome!

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