Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Give a heart necklace this holiday

The holiday is almost here and you know what that means! That means that it is time to start thinking about getting her that perfect necklace. All women fall over themselves to get a heart necklace. The heart shape is the universal symbol of love and this holiday season is the season for you to get the love of your life her very own heart shaped necklace.

You have a few different choices, many actually. It seems like the heart necklace is getting more and more creative all of the time. Who knew that there were so many things to be done with a simple heart design? It is amazing what these jewelers come up with and they are all so gorgeous.

There are a multitude of gem choices for you to choose from as well as metals. You can choose silver, platinum or gold. I have even seen some magnificent copper heart necklaces out there in stores. Of course the two top sellers as far as gems go are rubies and diamonds but that does not mean you cannot choose a different stone. If the love of your life loves aquamarines or emeralds then choose them, whatever will make her the happiest of all is the way to go.

There are also a few different places that you can go to buy your heart necklace. There are the typical offline stores that are a favorite among many and there are the stores online. When it comes to online shopping you can choose a retailer, a wholesaler or even an auction site. Each of these types of stores have their own pros and cons. My advice is to check out all of you options in order to see where you can get the best price on the most gorgeous heart shaped necklaces. Chances are you will find the best deals online so start there.

A solid decision - right-brain decision-making or left-brain decision-making

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nightly for many years I lay in my lonely marriage bed and fantasized about what I called “running away from home.” I could never quite see how I’d do it. To keep thinking about it seemed to relieve the pressure of my daily struggle but still no action for 15 years.

Now I realize that my biggest moment of power was when I made the decision to leave my husband. I made a decision. I even trusted it though I had not thought the whole idea through. This time what blossomed in my mind as a result of that decision was the awareness that I could rely on myself. And as important, the decision motivated the actions that followed.

I had heard the voice of my Real Self guiding me and it was in this way that I decided the future of my life. I heard “could” instead of “should” and “want to” instead of “have to”.

The old ego-mind voice was trying to keep everything the same for itself and left a heavy feeling in my gut. The new voice left me feeling uplifted and light. It felt like angels in my heart rather than a pitchfork in my butt.

Tony Robbins is quoted as saying, "To decide is to cut off any other possibility." Making a decision means jumping from one state of mind to another. Before - I thought and felt this way; now - I think and feel this new way. Make a decision and it is not hard to follow the new way as it generates a new consciousness and therefore, ideas, knowledge and different-than-before actions follow.

Right-Brain and Left-Brain Decisions:There is right-brain decision making which is intuitive. And, there is left-brain decision-making that is systematic. Above is an example of right-brain decision-making. Intuitive decision-making hides the steps. You make a "belief-in-your-own-knowing" leap of faith when you trust and act on this kind of decision.

Recently I made the left-brain, systematic decision when I decided after seeing my cheeks and nose turn bright red from eating too many refined carbohydrates, that I would eat only what I knew was right for my body.

For several days my mind went crazy trying to get me to eat the wrong stuff. Here's what it did then and for the past 40+ years:

• I heard my mind use scientific information it had previously gathered to its own "advantage" to try to get me to eat refined carbohydrates.

• I heard my mind discount all scientific information as to how excess weight happens and how refined foods effect that - as hooey.

• I found my mind leaving me completely confused about what is the right thing to for me to eat. And confusion is a very rare state for me. I may not know something but I generally know that I don't know.

• I found my mind telling me that all this food preparation was too much work and takes too much time.

• I heard my mind telling me that eating the same things over and over is boring.

• In the recent past I've found myself being evasive to people who I want to think I'm following a special program perfectly.

• I have also watched my mind give me permission to eat whatever I want as if I'm the parent and the child at the same time.

• Often at the beginning of a diet, an eating program or an exercise program I've had strong enthusiasm and watched my thoughts generate real excitement only to have that feeling of enthusiasm fade and so too my resolve. My mind was now generating "it's not so great" thoughts and so my feelings followed suit.

• I've also heard my mind telling me that "this hunger will be too much to bear".

• I found my mind telling me and making me feel that "I don't care" about anything other then the food at hand – I'll just eat what I want. And that's really a funny one. Every time I've listened to that voice for the umpteenth time, it is immediately followed by another voice beating me up.

Thus I made a decision - "I cut off any other possibility." So I just listen to the voices, feel the feelings, don't do what they tell me to do and they fade away.

You made a decision and read this article. Reading an article is not a big decision or a big deal. Was it an intuitive decision or a step-by-step decision? My guess is that it was an intuitive decision. If that is so, then it may follow that your intuition is guiding you toward a journey of transformation and beginning to reveal a new opening of consciousness that is forming in you.

So having made the decision, though unconsciously and now having become conscious of your decision, you can look at what else you need for your transformational journey.

In the 12 Step program they say, “If you want what I have, you have to do what I do.” I'm happy to share what I do; however, I’d like to tweak the 12-Step statement a bit and say,


My writing and coaching offers the ways and tools that work for me. Choose these or whatever else works for you. Simply be honest with yourself along the way.

Taking on transformation as a way of life requires certain attitudes and mindsets – in other words, a decision. You will want to acquire or unearth in yourself willingness, commitment, integrity, courage, compassion, accountability, responsibility and trust.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pain relief for newborn babies

A group of neonatologists - Peter Gray and his colleagues examined 212 Australian hospitals in which 200 or more babies a year are delivered about their knowledge and use of techniques that bring pain-relief for minor procedures in infants born at term or near term.

Dr Gray of Mater Mother’s Hospital in Brisbane declared that inspite of good evidence that giving infants a breast milk or a sucrose (a sugar solution) during procedures could lessen or deaden the pain, they were not commonly used in Australian hospitals.

“We were surprised, given the wealth of information that’s available. Newborn babies in Australia, certainly the vast majority, are not being given any .” - Gray said.

The scientists discovered that before taking blood from babies, only 11 per cent of units used sucrose, 24 per cent gave breast feeding and 10 per cent used breast milk in order to relieve pain.

According to researchers, the results concerned procedures that were common in babies who routinely get a hepatitis B injection and the heel prick screening test before leaving hospital.

“One might say: ‘Oh well, what’s one injection or one blood test?. And indeed that may be a valid statement” - Dr Gray noticed.

“But other babies might have a number of tests for jaundice or they might have an infection and need blood taken for other reasons as well. Indeed, there’s some evidence now that past experiences of pain have been associated with altered brain development and behavioural problems in older children. We really need to address this issue and to minimise the pain. I’m not saying that giving sucrose or putting the baby to the breast will abolish the pain altogether - but it certainly will minimise it and this has to be good.” - Gray expressed.

The study appeared recently in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.

The researchers obtained the information in a telephone interview with the most senior persons from special care nurseries or the maternity units.

Dr Gray emphasized that the scientists found significant differences between states, with few hospitals in Tasmania, Queensland and South Australia giving pain relief to infants having blood taken.

“The awareness and use of Pain relief in Western Australia, NSW and Victoria was probably the highest and the other states didn’t so well” - he stated.

Last October, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians brought out guidelines for doctors managing pain in children. The guideline include a 24 page section on newborn babies.

How to promote affiliate products from your blog

An extremely effective, low cost and low risk way of making money from your blog is to promote other people's products as an affiliate. By merely linking to the merchant's website with a special link provided by them, you can make commissions over and over again as your blog grows in traffic and popularity.

Although you can promote both physical and digital products, I prefer the latter as they typically pay more commissions and are easier to sell. Here are a few ways that I have personally used to make $500 - $2,000 in sales of affiliate products every month from my blog:

1) Interview The Product Owner

Who better to answer questions and clarify doubts on a certain product than the owner himself? By arranging for an interview with the owner or a representative, you get to be the middle-man and ask the most important question on behalf of your blog readers.

You can conduct interview easily using Skype and a recording software that integrates with it. Once recorded, you need to do some minor editing using Audacity, a free audio editing software. If you're using Wordpress as your blog platform, you can easily install some podcasting plugins and get the whole thing up easily.

The key to selling affiliate products using podcast interviews is to ask the right questions. It works much better if you've already bought and used the product, so you're familiar with how it works and any limitations it has.

During the interview itself, make sure you mention your affiliate link. Also write a short description of the podcast on your blog post and put your affiliate link there.

2) Write a Complete Product Review

This is not something new, but it's rarely done by most of the new affiliate marketers I've come across promoting my own products and other people's products that I happen to be promoting as well.

A product review is not a sales pitch, so avoid making it sound like you're totally in love with the product. If it's really that good, maintain your enthusiasm but do let your readers know on it's limitations as well.

To increase the clicks on your affiliate links, include screenshots of the product (if it's a software) to let people get an insider's view of how it works and the results that can expect from it.

If it's an e-book or information product, let others know the results you've observed and recorded from using the techniques or secrets mentioned. Everyone loves something that works, but most people will wait to see if it works for others before deciding to buy it.

3) Presell With a "How To" Article

A "How To" article teaches people how to solve a specific problem or achieve a specific result. In your article, start with the problem or desired outcome, and give specific step and action that need to be taken to solve it.

Somewhere towards the end of the article, mention about how a specific software can help your readers automate or skip some of the steps mentioned in your article. Once people have discovered the solution, they still may not want to do it all by themselves. If the software you're talking about helps them do it faster or easier, they will definitely consider buying it.

Your goal is to presell the benefit of using the software, and lead them to the affiliate product page. Don't make your article a sales pitch or this method will not work as well. People want to buy, but they don't want to be "sold".

Try to work on a Wordpress platform as your blogging tool, as it allows you much more control and flexibility in promoting affiliate products, especially when your "catalog" of affiliate products grows significantly.

Using these three strategies alone, you can make a significant income promoting affiliate products. Focus on these and affiliate marketing from your blog becomes so easy you won't believe the results.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Become a shark pool tips for a fish out of water

So it’s Friday night, and you’re out on the town with your mates. You’re well dressed and you’ve had a few drinks. Isn’t life grand? You puff away on your cigarette, sipping a pint, and round the pool table considering your next shot. You are keenly aware of the gorgeous woman sitting at the bar, watching your every move. Follow these pool rules, and show her that you are as slick as your slicked-back hair!

Now you may be wondering who gets to break? The traditional way of determining who gets to break is a method called "lagging". Both players line up their ball at the head string (the line on the table). Shoot your ball to the far rail, and bank it straight back towards yourself without touching the rail you are standing closest to. Have your opponent do the same. Whoever has the ball closest to the rail, without touching it, gets to break. Hitting a side rail is an immediate disqualification.

When you are racking the balls, they should be frozen or touching slightly. The lead ball must be on the foot spot (the dot on the felt). The "8" ball must be in the center of the racked balls. The white or "cue" ball must be located behind the head string. When breaking, you want to use enough power to split the balls. Ideally you want to sink a couple balls, preferably one of either "solids" or "stripes". This way you have the option of shooting for any ball on the table during your next shot. If you "scratch", or sink the white ball off the break, it automatically becomes your opponents turn.

The object of the game is to sink all of your balls before your opponent, and then sink the "8" ball in the pocket you have indicated. Take your time and line up your shots properly. Try not to use too much power when shooting. Yeah… looks cool to hit them hard, but it’s not exactly cool to miss your shot. Try to take your easiest shots first, and try not to leave your opponent with clear shots. Try to use a proper stance when shooting, and bow your head to be in line with the cue. Your best bet is to simply practice on your own, before you go out and play competitively. Be careful playing in bars too, as you might get hustled. Now be a good sport, go introduce yourself to that babe at the bar!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The differences between luge and bobsledding

The winter sports of luge and bobsledding have a lot in common. Both are featured prominently in the winter Olympics. Both are extremely dangerous for the participants. Both consist of plummeting feet first down the same slippery track at top speeds. Both sports require nerves of steel and reflexes of lightning. However, there are a lot of subtle difference between these two sports that test the limits of how humans relate to gravity.

Bobsledders work in groups of up to four people, whereas luge racers either go solo or work in teams of two. Lugers face the elements head on, whereas bobsledders enjoy some protection with their equipment.

A bobsled is shaped sort of like a canoe with an extended opening. Although the riders are most exposed to the elements, the low front and sides of a bobsled offer the athletes some level of defense from both the force of the wind when they race and from the possibility of serious injury if they crash. The bobsled itself is designed to absorb at least some of the impact of a collision, offering the racers a modicum of protection.

By contrast, a luge is a small piece of equipment roughly the size of a couple of skateboards. Racers cling to this tiny surface to protect themselves from the friction of the track, but in the event of a crash a luge racer’s body is entirely exposed and vulnerable.

Bobsleds accommodate either two or four riders, and much of the athletes training before a bobsled race centers on learning to work together as a team. With top race speeds over one hundred kilometers per hour, it is absolutely essential that a bobsledding team function as though they were many limbs attached to the same brain. Being even a few fractions of a second out of sync in their movements can send a bobsled team rolling into a major crash instead of flying past the finish line. It can be very difficult for teams to accomplish the kind of precise group coordination that they need in order to excel on the track.

Luging is a sport undertaken by individuals and by teams of two. Without having to worry about coordinating four people to move as one, luge racers are free to focus their training on other aspects of downhill sled racing. Lugers work to improve everything from their position on the sled to their ability to anticipate the nerve-shattering hairpin turns of the track. Luge racers need to be in peak physical condition in order to be able to respond instantaneously to unexpected twists and turns.

In addition to learning how to handle the track, athletes who pursue excellence in the world of luging need to become experts at protecting themselves in the event of a crash. Because luges go at such fast speeds, the difference between reacting immediately to a bump in the road and reacting a few fractions of a second later can be the difference between walking away from a spill and being carried away on a stretcher.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


One thing in life is certain---change. Things never stay the same. If you are hoping for the status quo, then I’m afraid you will be disappointed. Just think back to how things were five years ago and you will realize that there is so very much that’s already different in a very short time.

I’m sure there are some of you who know people who refused to adapt to the computer age. I still know some “old timers” who want to use word processors or even typewriters instead! Imagine. What is up with that?

Well, when change comes we have several options, some of which are more adaptive than others. Let’s take a look at them.

The first option is to refuse to change or adapt to any new circumstances, just like the person who still uses a word processor. These are generally people who are afraid of change. I also think that underlying that fear is the fear of being inadequate. When change requires new learning, as it often does, some people don’t think they will be able to master the new skills so it is easier to simply renounce the changes than adapt. The problem is that these are the people who are left in the dust.

The second possibility is the slow starter. These people usually start out in one of the first two mentioned roles---either refusing to change or anxiously running around trying to figure out what to do about it. They do not like change any more than the next person and they resist and resist until one day, they realize that the change may actually bring benefits. Once they see that there is a payoff for them, they fairly easily do the necessary things to adapt to the change.

A third possibility is what we see in the over anxious people in our midst. You know who they are. They are the ones who are always making mountains out of molehills and have a nervous energy about them whenever confronted with a novel situation. They imagine all the possible scenarios about what could occur and seem to just go around in circles. They don’t adapt to the change; they just worry themselves sick over it.

The final and most rewarding possibility are the people who understand that change is a part of everything. When we stop evolving, we start eroding. These people welcome change, in fact, they frequently generate it. They realize that change is what makes things happen. Change propels us forward. These people are quick to make the necessary adaptations and suffer the least from the inevitable.

Do you recognize your own character in any of the above descriptions? Have you read Spencer Johnson’s book, Who Moved My Cheese? This book is an excellent description of the four possible characters in the Change Game. In the book, the first character was a little person named Hem. Hem was afraid of change and believed it would make things worse. He avoided it at all costs. The second character was a mouse named, Scurry. Scurry ran around in circles, just attempting to do something, anything. Sometimes he was right, sometimes wrong but he was constantly in motion. The third character was a little person named Haw. Haw was slow to figure things out but eventually he adapted to the change and realized that the change could bring something better. However, the real winner was the mouse, Sniff. Sniff jumped into action early, sniffing out the terrain and making a choice on what to do next. He adapted the quickest.

Which character are you? Who would you like to be? What would you have to give up to be the character you really want to be? Would you like to make a plan right now to implement these changes into your life? It will require a commitment and a good plan.

This is where a coach can be helpful. When you identify an area in your life that requires some attention and you commit to making the necessary adjustments, it’s strange how life gets in the way sometime and we revert back to our previous ways. A coach is someone who can keep you on track and pointed in the direction of your goals. A coach will support your progress and hold you accountable for the goals you set.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Anxiety - what has anxiety and maggots got in common

Anxiety is a disorder that can disturb a persons mind to an extent where they lose control over their actions e. g. thinking and decision making. This sense of instability makes it hard for a patient to carry on leading a normal life. When anxiety takes hold it forces the patient into believing that they no longer have any say on matters of importance like decision making etc. All this can have a devastating effect on the sufferer as well as all concerned parties around them.

With the help of modern science we have modern medicine and treatments and if supervised by a governing body of the medical profession along with your modern way of thinking and that is to believe in yourself and recognise your illness then the help out there will certainly give you hope in having a brighter future.

It is no wonder why anxiety is diagnosed as a mental health disorder when it can cause so much havoc in the upper region. Some patients lost hope where they believed their anxiety was beyond repair. Unfortunately they became a victim of their own thoughts that was to give them the only solution to their problem and that was to commit suicide.

We all know the feeling of anxiety where the fear factor sets in and we imagine that something awful or nasty is about to happen. If faced with difficult times e. g. like an upheaval in life, divorce or losing someone close are all situations that can be identified to the cause of anxious moments.

There are different types of anxiety; therefore the importance of speaking with a doctor is imminent so the right course of medicine or treatment can be prescribed. Mild bouts of anxiety are common and present in a great many of our lives, but for the more severe cases anxiety bouts now become attacks which is a major worry.

Doctors dedicated in this field will diagnose an anxiety disorder if the patients tension level scales to high and stays with the sufferer for several months. If the patient can not pin point a reason behind his anxiety then it is right to stick with the prognosis of it actually being anxiety. The reason being is, depression stands in the way of diagnoses due to similarities of symptoms for both disorders. What the doctor has to decipher is whether the patient has depression with anxiety symptoms or vice or versa as in i. e. is anxiety the cause of their depression.

The effect anxiety has on each individual differs in many ways; some people are prone to the psychological/emotional side of things. When other people are tortured by the effects physically

The Psychological downside to anxiety comes in the form of inability to concentrate along with irritability. A patient experiences constant worry which can lead to sense of fearful anticipation. Lack of sleep is a strong symptom causing fatigue to take the whole body.

The Physical effects can be pains where the patient feels tightness in the chest. Breathing is affected. Loss of appetite, sex drive goes down hill and visits to the loo are more frequent (Urinating) sickness dizziness headaches and muscle tension are just a few to mention of the symptoms.

Anxiety if permitted will devour any thoughts you have on leading a normal life if you leave it to fester and rot inside like maggots eating away at a corpse. This can be all prevented if you seek advice early on any concerns you may have relating to your health or that of someone close.

Buying older property in bulgaria - an insiders guide

Bulgaria is a big country, despite what some sellers will say there are actually still plenty of properties around to buy at really good prices. Places still cheap include Razgrad and Dobrich which I happen to think are only long term investments, I think they are very poor areas often with not much going for them, not the sort of place where you want to leave an empty house, even empty I have had windows stolen, doors etc even from an empty house.

Although on Ebay some sellers say "Near the sea" you wouldn’t exactly call 34 Miles from Brighton near the sea, besides the sea isn’t everything and in Bulgaria winters don’t help the coastal areas considering that temperatures in winter is similar to London in winter. On the note of the sea, note that there has been a barrage of oversubscriptions to new apartments and houses by the sea, so rentals may be hard because there is simply too many properties by the sea for rent - Some developers are offering guaranteed rental, but these promises are rarely stood by. Buying plots by the sea is equally risky, with Natura 2000 allowing only certain parts to be built on; many speculators who bought land a while back are seething because what was once a development opportunity has now become pretty much a nature reserve. Prices are way huge beside the sea anyway, compared to the market price increases of inland property. Remember, Bulgaria is not Spain; Bulgaria is Bulgaria with its seasons, hot and cold. Nessebar is an exception to my rule, totally stunning, if you can buy there, buy.

In my view, Ski properties are good, but watch out because there have been some flouting of planning laws to get rich quick, so if you don’t do your homework you may just see your dream holiday home getting pulled down before you can say resell. Buying near or in the "established" (I’m saying established because these places haven’t got started yet, I recommend doing some homework and buying in or near these areas).

Although a big sprawl with little thought to planning and streetscape, I think central Sofia is a good investment right now. Given that it is the capital city of Bulgaria, its expanding airport and wealth concentration, I think it’s a safe bet, but be careful because prices are hiking quickly. There is some great architecture in Sofia, so if you can dodge the raging traffic, don’t forget to go have a look. Buying in towns and villages around Sofia, especially to the West, may be a good idea, think Surrey to London.

Around cities like Veliko Tarnovo, Rousse and Vratza are a good buy. Make sure things are happening in the villages (New houses, renovations, flash cars etc) before buying there, otherwise take a long term view as your property value flourishes slowly.

Picturesque Vratza (Just over 70 Miles to the North East of Sofia) has the backdrop of the Vratza Balkan (Huge mountain range) and Leva River running to the front of the city.

Veliko Tarnovo with its amazing Tzarevetz Castle (Watch the famous light show) and Great River Yantra running through the city is a great city with a huge amount of things to do for everyone.

Rousse is the gateway between Romania and Bulgaria. In my opinion, Rousse is a hotcake of the future, along with Veliko Tarnovo (Which in my opinion is a better place to invest in)

Don’t let the prices you see guide you to what the prices are and will be when you get to Bulgaria. Prices on EBay, on catalogues and anywhere else vary wildly, so there is no guide price etc for property in Bulgaria.

Quick tips:

Local prices are often different from so called tourist prices - Don’t look like a tourist and you minimise on paying like a tourist.

Don’t make decisions on the spot, take your time. Buy what you like, in an area you like with the money you would like to spend - Not the max you can

Remember - Bulgaria is not cheap, it’s only cheap to us, so don’t go saying "Ј5000, that’s cheap" because the estate agent may just think you have loads more to spend and price the houses as he wishes.

When buying, see if there is a regional airport, while it may not be operational now or small, it may expand in the future; think Luton, Inverness and Stansted before they became international airports.

Make sure there are "things" around your village or town to make it an interesting place for renting or prospective future buyers, is there a mountain nearby, a ski range (Or future ski range)

When you are looking for a Bulgarian property, especially since distance buying at auction, you need to look closely at the photos to see if the house you are looking at is the one you really want.

Bulgarian properties were built without much planning in the past, generally they have been built by local (Often unskilled) tradesmen using traditional teqniques that are sometimes forbidden in todays cautious building world.

When looking at photos of houses at auction, check:

-The corners, the bottom of the walls, the top of the walls. Is there dark spots (Could indicate dampness), is there painted spots (Could indicate an attempt to "paint over" the dampness). Obviously there is dampness somewhere or another with older Bulgarian properties, but not in every room, you may as well live in a dirty sauna! If a whole houses has been painted, look carefully at what has been covered up, it could be large areas of dampness or cracks, at least if there are cracks you should see then to work out if they need sealed or pinned.

-The roof. Is it slanted, is it not straight or bowed at some point? If a roof is not straight it may mean just bad design (Remember these houses were generally built with little or no actual physical plans) or it may mean that it could collapse because it is weak (Could be woodworm, weak joist etc) so this may cause issues in the future. As a general rule of thumb, we check the roofs are straight and even before selling to others, sometimes the roof is solid though and able to withstand some more years or rain, heat and cold.

-Check the village in the background. Is there people, is there modern cars, do the houses around the house you are looking at look like they are well looked after? It depends what you are looking for, but you generally want a village which is vibrant (Or is aspiring to be vibrant) and that money (Or skills, or love...) are coming into the village.

The walls. Is there large cracks on the houses, if they have been painted you may not see them.

-The floors. Many Bulgarian properties (Including many we sell) have compressed mud floors rather than plain old concrete or wood. Although traditional Bulgarians have been happy with these for years, you dont really want to put a new wall to wall carpet down on these. If a floor has mud on it instead of wood or concrete, then it may be necessary to dig out the mud and re-lay the flooring, which actually isnt so expensive.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

What is the element molybdenum used for

Molybdenum is from the Greek word molybdos meaning “lead like.” It is directly mined and is a byproduct of copper mining. It was used very infrequently up until the 19th century when Schneider and Co decided to use Molybdenum as an alloying agent in steel. Today there are many uses of molybdenum.

Molybdenum is still used as an alloy agent in steel. All high strength steel contains from .25% to 8% molybdenum which contributes to the hardenability of the steel. It also improves the strength of steel under high temperatures and improves resistance to corrosion.

Steel with molybdenum is used in architectural applications near the ocean; and in environments where road salts are used and there is heavy industrial pollution. The Petrons Towers in Kuala Lumpur are a great example of the use of molybdenum stainless steel.

Nuclear energy applications also use molybdenum as do many aircraft parts and missile parts. It’s a catalyst in petroleum refining; in fact it is one of the most valuable. It is also used as a filament material in electrical applications and on electrodes for glass furnaces that are electrically heated. It is a good lubricant that will work in temperatures much higher than oil without decomposing.

Its uses are actually more in-depth than one might think. You’ll find it commonly used within the power industry, chemical processing industry, water industry, and wastewater industry. It is also used in construction, building, and architecture; which one might have guessed considering its association to steel. And you will find it in the food industry which seems a bit unusual.

Molybdenum is used to harden and strengthen cast iron. It accomplishes this by changing the pearlite temperature. The use of molybdenum eliminates the need for special heat treatments.

Molybdenum is also used in nickel based alloys, which includes jet engines. It strengthens the nickel alloy and extends the service temperature. This combination is considered a super alloy. Over 1/3 of a jet engine’s weight is made up of this super alloy.

Molybdenum is a silvery white metal that is very hard. However it is more ductile and softer than tungsten. It has a very high melting point. In fact the only other two metals that have a higher melting point are tantalum and tungsten. Its prime use is in the hardenability and tempering of metals such as steel. It is not a product most of us will ever have direct involvement with but we will likely encounter it in a more subtle manner.

Get moving when worried or stressed

When we face depressive situations our minds and thoughts are usually clouded with worry, fear, anxiety and sadness. Needless to say, diverting our minds from these emotional states-at least temporarily - may help with dealing with them.

Friends, one sure-fire way to accomplish this is through exercise.

“Aw, boy…? Is he saying I have to go to the gym or jump down and do a bunch of push-ups, I don’t feel like it and besides I’m not in shape...”

If that was your initial response, don’t worry, it’s not about muscle building or ‘body punishment’. Simple to moderate exercises can and will do just fine.

However, I must stress friends that exercising-even 10-15 minutes or less-is quite helpful for handling stress as this engages the motor centers of the brain, making the blood flow away from the emotional activity center; consequently one becomes more receptive to positive thoughts.

Now, based on my personal experiences with dealing with my problems and admittedly, on some bad days - in spite of how much I believe in positive thinking and all…, I’ve found the following exercises to be very, very effective as ‘pick-me-uppers’ for the day.

You will observe that they are Yogic in nature, however, as true as that is, I tend to think they are versatile enough for anybody to do. (As long as you keep in mind that the goal here isn’t building muscle, just something to get our minds off stressful situations)

Here are the exercises:

1. The Sun Salutations:

The sun exercises stimulates and balances all systems of the body including the endocrine and nervous systems that have marked effects on our emotions, furthermore they induce deep breathing, which has been known over the ages to help alleviate many a stressful situation. Performed in rounds of 3, they actually are a combination of very simple movements executed in a flowing motion.

2. Hindu Push-Ups:

These actually are best described as “Downward-and-Upward Facing-dog-meets-Calisthenics.” Nonetheless, these are quite simply great. As a matter of fact, I almost swore off Yoga for these babies till it dawned on me that it’s still Yoga, basically poses in motion. However as pick-me-uppers, these work.

Hardly has there ever been a time when I did them and didn’t almost immediately have lethargy and sadness thrown off and have enthusiasm, joy and happiness miraculously restored as positive replacements.

Now, although these are my personal favorites, hey, feel free to explore whatever can get your heart-rate up such as simple jumping jacks, hikes in the park, jogging, dancing or even sex with the one you love.

Combining these simple exercises with such drug-free factors as intentional positive thinking and proper diet (which ironically demands for abstinence from even the best of foods at time), I can confidently say one will be well on one’s way to overcoming the problems and challenges we all face in our daily lives.
Moreover, these principles form the basis of improved health naturally.

So, when next stress starts to creep in and you need a relief, get in motion with your favorite activities. With exercise, even a little bit, does help.

In Friendship,

Foras Aje

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

No business survives without new customers

No business can survive without new customers and network marketing growth depends in new distributors joining the ranks to increase sales. In order to attract both, multilevel network marketing requires leads and they can come from many different sources. There are many companies that gather and sell leads of people interested in joining multilevel marketing plans along with contact information for those who do not know they are interested in getting involved in sales.

Most of the lead sellers are not particular where the leads come from, as they are more interested in the number of leads they can generate and sell. Many lead generators sell names and active email address for up to $4 each, or more while many go for a lot less. The legality of how they gather those leads is open for debate in some circles, but as long as they do not outright break any laws, there is nothing that be done to stop the practice.

The quality of the lead is important to those who buy them, but only to a point, as they basically go for the number. If they send out emails and have a two or three percent return rate, most of them are happy. If they send out a thousand leads and receive no responses, their return on their investment is zero and they will probably take their lead buying business elsewhere. For the unsuspecting web user signing up to win free merchandise or vacations, it can be a problems when they begin to receive thousands of spam emails from companies they have never heard about before.

Typically, a company will offer an incentive for someone to leave their contact information on a registration form. It could promise a free vacation, a new car or cash. The form probably gives them the opportunity to not receive additional promotional materials or advertisements from them or their associated companies, but it is often overlooked in the excitement of winning something.

Once the company separates those who did not opt out their mailing list, it can be sold, usually as many as 30 or 40 times to companies that need a continuous supply of new leads. Since the do not call registry became effective in 2003, telemarketing, sometimes referred to as trolling for leads, has been stifled. Generating leads from the internet, provided they offer a way of stipulating the registrant wants no further contact with them, is considered legal.

Those filling out the forms usually opt to receive more information based on the mistaken belief that it will improve their chances of being the luck one in five million to win a $50 music player. However, those hoping to win a cheap music player will not fit into the demographics many companies are looking for and unless the lead generating company specifies how the leads were harvested, the buying company has no way to determine if they are quality leads until they see the return on their investment. Unfortunately, for them and the customers inundated with emails, by that time it is too late.

Preventing medication errors in radiological services

With over 300 million radiological procedures performed in the U. S. each year and "X-ray" and "MRI" now household terms, a trip to radiological services may seem trivial to many people. However, don't take these visits lightly. There is a high percentage of harmful medication errors associated with visiting such diagnostic and treatment centers.

In fact, the percentage of harmful medication errors reported in radiological services is seven times higher than many other types of medication errors, according to the 2004 MEDMARX® Data Report of medication errors published by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).

Are You At Risk?

So, how does a simple X-ray put you at risk? First, radiological services are not just about performing X-rays anymore. These services have grown to include the cardiac catheterization laboratory and nuclear medicine as well as diagnostic tests such as lung scans and MRIs. Radiology staff also drain abscesses, insert gastric feeding tubes and open blood vessels (angioplasties). These are all complicated procedures and 20 percent involve the use of a radiological pharmaceutical, a drug used to create contrast in the body that is detectable by imaging devices.

In addition, there can be a breakdown in the "continuity of care" when a patient goes to radiology.

Patients often circulate through this area without adequate communication between radiology staff and the providers who have been caring for them.

The Good News

Fortunately, consumers can take steps to help prevent harmful medication errors during visits to radiological services.

1. Always keep an up-to-date list of all your medications and dietary supplements in your wallet.

2. Inform radiological services staff and your health care providers of all your allergies.

3. When you are moved within the hospital, ask where you're going and why.

4. When you go to radiological services, make sure your medical chart goes with you.

5. For outpatients, make sure you understand the home preparation instructions for your procedure. If you don't understand, call your health care provider.

6. Have a family member or friend in the hospital with you to be your advocate for quality care.

Inform radiological services staff of all your allergies.

Monday, August 22, 2016

The top ten things to do before you apply for a credit card

Credit cards are convenient and safe to carry. They have their own advantages and disadvantages however, and these have to be weighed before you make any purchases using your credit card. There are several rules you will need to follow before you even apply for a credit card, and these include the following.

1. Keep only, at most, two credit cards. This will allow you to have back up if one credit card does not work.

2. If you think that a new credit card has better incentives than the card or cards that you currently hold, wait until you can replace one of your cards before applying for a new one.

3. Check with the credit card company if you can have your annual fees waived. Some annual fees can be expensive, draining your wallet further.

4. If you are applying for the credit card online, check if the credit card company server is secure. You can check this by looking at the status bar of your web browser. If you see a padlock icon, this means that your information is relatively safe from hackers.

5. If you can find reports on the credit card company’s track record, see if they have had any major cases of identity theft. Such records should be for public use, and they can tell you how secure the credit card company’s resources are.

6. Determine whether you are availing of the credit card because you want to spend conveniently, or because you want to avail of incentives. Some credit card companies offer cash back guarantees on as much as one percent of your total purchases using your credit card. Other credit card companies can translate your accumulated points into airline miles. Yet other credit card companies can offer you gifts the more you spend using your credit card. In all these cases, you may be forced into spending more.

7. Check your savings account and assess if you will be able to pay your credit card bills in full. Credit card companies charge high interest on unpaid debt, and, once these debts accumulate, they can force you into bankruptcy.

8. Make sure that the credit card company has twenty four hour customer support. This will allow you to immediately report stolen or lost credit cards, or contest any parts of your billing statement that should not be credited to you.

9. Study your spending habits. Are you living beyond your means, or do you save more than you spend? Are your earnings replenishing your savings, or do you spend everything that you earn? A credit card should make spending convenient for you, but it can also give the illusion that you are spending nothing. If you are a natural spender, acquire some discipline in your purchasing habits before applying for a credit card.

10. Be prepared to disclose all information, including anything that pertains to credit cards that you may have held in the past. This can help the credit card company in assessing your credit standing. If you are in good credit standing, then your credit card, once approved, will have a high credit limit.

A credit card is convenient to have, and easy to use. However, it can turn big spenders into even bigger spenders, so you have to know your habits and inclinations in great detail before making any plunge. Only then can you use your credit card wisely, and thus enjoy the benefits it offers.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wolverhampton city guide including wolverhampton hotels


Wolverhampton is a wonderful city steeped in history and tradition. With so many places to go and entertainment to enjoy you will never be without something to do.

Places of interest

Wolverhampton’s list of places of interest is vast as there is so much to see. Whatever your interest are you sure to find somewhere in and around Wolverhampton. There are so many interesting buildings from different eras that are enriched with tradition. If history is not your thing, there are also art galleries as well as the light house media centre for anyone interested in television production.

Bantock House and Park – Located just outside the Wolverhampton city centre, this grade II listed house is a great visit for any passionate historian. Once inside you were discover the story of this 19th century house and how the Bantock family use to live 100 years ago. This is a great place for the whole family to enjoy, with activities for the children all through the house.

Bilston Craft Gallery and Museum – The gallery host craft exhibitions with workshops and events.

Wightwick Manor – This Victorian family house gives a great understanding of life during that era.

Wolverhampton Art Gallery – If you enjoy contemporary art then this is the galley for you. It has gained a reputation for showcasing thought provoking exhibitions, and workshops and events. Opens Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm.

Light House Media Centre – This independent cinema video production facility is a great attraction for anyone interested in television and film production. It holds talks, exhibitions, training courses, conferences and special events.

Things to do

Wolverhampton is a city where you will need to spend a few days to experience all of the recreational activities afforded to you. With so many activities it’s hard to know where to start. Whatever your interests are this list should start you on your way to getting the most out of Wolverhampton.

Shopping – Wolverhampton has a mixture of chain stores and independent shops to meet everyone’s needs. The city centre has been improved making it safer to shop. There are two shopping centres, Mander and Wulfrun, which have a large range of national and local shops plus a food court.

Light Rail System (Metro) – Travelling across Wolverhampton couldn’t be simpler with the light rail system. The electrically powered tram system is designed to solve the congestion problem, and help bring people from outside into the city centre. The relaxing and comfortable ride is a great way to enjoy the scenery.

Wolverhampton City Show – Come and enjoy the Wolverhampton City show this summer at West Park. This two day event is a fun-filled weekend that is ideal for all the family. You can enjoy anything from a Sheep-Shearing display to badge making for the kids. Live music is also on offer for anymore who likes to just sit back and relax to some music and sun. Each year even more attractions are added, so it is definitely something not to be missed.

Molineux football stadium – Take a trip to the Molineux football stadium to enjoy some championship football. Join in with the locals to cheer on the mighty wolves.

Aldersley Leisure Centre – If you fancy taking part in some physical activities then the Aldersley Leisure Centre is the place to go. This newly built multi-events centre offers anything from Athletics, five-a-side football to volleyball.

Bliston Leisure centre - If you are more of a water baby then the Bliston Leisure centre will be right up your alley. This centre has a main pool and a small pool for the children. The centre has swimming lessons, plus fun sessions to put the enjoyment in swimming. It’s a great place for parents to take there children, as parents and toddler sessions are also available.

Food & Drink

Wolverhampton prides itself on the diversity of restaurant offerings it provides. All types of foods are available in this buzzing city including Chinese, Indian, Greek, Thai, Spanish, Mexican and Italian, as well as the usual fast-food outlets. Whatever your tastes are, you will be catered for in Wolverhampton.

Ristorante Romagna – Lovely Italian restaurant with an A La Carte & Table d'hote menu. English food is also available.

House of Canton Restaurant and Takeaway – This Cantonese restaurant has an extensive menu with takeaway option.

Bridge 59 – If you fancy tasting the English delicacies then this is the restaurant for you. It is situated just outside the city centre, along the canal. This romantic setting can be a pleasant place to go during the summer day, with seats outside.

Bilash – If you fancy dinning in style, then maybe you could try this five star Indian restaurant. You should be in very good hands with “National Chef of the year” winner, who offers you a very extensive and unique menu.

Mamma Lizzy’s – Do you fancy eating spicy food while downing tequilas? Then look no further than Mamma Lizzy’s. Located just outside the city centre, this Mexican restaurant provides a relaxed atmosphere and offers an excellent range of dishes.

Hotel & Accommodation

There are lots of different choices from hotels, B & Bs, and guest houses. You can choose to stay in the city centre, or in the surrounding villages as transport to centre are frequent. There are wider choices in the countryside as country houses, farms and self catering are all available.

The Fox Hotel

Quality Hotel Wolverhampton

Britannia Hotel Wolverhampton

Patshull Park Hotel

Featherstone Farm Hotel

Novotel City Centre

Best Western Park Hall Hotel & Conference Centre

Holly Bank House


So you’ve enjoyed a day of sightseeing, had a bite to eat and the night is upon you. What next? It’s time to enjoy the vast amounts of entertainment which is on offer in Wolverhampton. Whether you enjoy your live music, or the dramatic presence of a theatre show, Wolverhampton is the place to be.

Wolverhampton Civic Halls – This is Wolverhampton’s concert venue. This venue has been host to all the big names in the rock and pop world. Check the website for the latest dates.

The Grand Theatre – This newly restored 19th century theatre has a full and varied programme.

Arena Theatre – This 150 seat theatre has a very intimate feel, and great to come and enjoy different forms of art, from plays, ballet, to funky dance.

Cineworld Cinema – This 12 screen cinema is the ideal place for any film buff. Check the cineworld website for details of current showings.

Wolverhampton is an every growing city which is one of the few British cities to be proud of its rich heritage. It is ever becoming a popular tourist destination with people falling in love with the history as well as the exciting night life.

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Playing games with an airsoft paintball gun

Although you should never play with any type of gun an airsoft paintball gun can change the way you play survival games such as paintball. Imagine creeping through the forest with nothing but your airsoft paintball gun and safety goggles to protect you from the vicious onslaught of the other side. You are ducking and weaving like a professional, half out of urgency because the last thing you need it to get pegged with a pellet and half out of expertise because you have the wide-eyed enthusiasm of a professional officer of paintball fame and glory on your side. You calmly duck behind a tree, ready and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The excitement makes your heart skip a beat and you hope no one can hear your heavy breathing.

Perhaps you’re using an M16 version of an airsoft paintball gun or perhaps it is the classic AK 47 version. Regardless, you are certainly locked and loaded as you wait for your targets to scramble out from behind their covering subterfuge. Your heart is pounding and your eyes are wide and ready for battle. You can almost smell your enemy and yet you do not want to pounce too soon or you will lose it all. You’ve gained some ground, hiding behind this last vestibule of neutral territory, and you’re on the verge of breaking in to the enemy base and freeing your captain with your airsoft paintball gun.

The Last Stand

You emerge finally ready to face the enemy on your own with your firing power from the airsoft paintball gun. You have the scope primed and start targeting the enemy in blue as you see them scramble over a hill at the sight of your presence. With the prowess and skill of a master sniper, you start picking off the enemy as they run foolishly with their backs to you. You emerge slightly from the tree, firing away and nailing one by one of the blue shirts with your vicious repeat fire from the automatic airsoft paintball gun. Once you have emptied the paintballs from the chamber, you duck back behind the log to reload.

Ready and anxious, you step out from the log and stand. Nobody appears to be around and you smile to yourself, thinking you have taken care of business once and for all. With one final breath, you prepare to stalk over the hill and check your opponent’s last fortress of solitude before they mount a final stand. You take a step forward, hearing a twig crack, and experiencing the sudden sting of pain as a paintball (a red one) sizzles out of an airsoft paintball gun and plants on you squarely in the chest. You’re hit. The pain that you feel is not really relevant to the disappointment of getting caught. Now its time for lunch and then its round two!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Saving on home energy costs

These days, a major factor for many home improvement projects is the need to cut down on energy costs by making the home more energy efficient. Many home owners are finding that simple projects that require little initial investment will save them a bundle in the summer and the winter, when heating and cooling costs really begin to add up. Here are some areas and ideas you can check on to make sure that your home is wasting the least possible amount of energy.

Water: Water in any form is a general conservation concern, and there are areas throughout North America where water is at such a premium that usage is measured in much the same way as electricity; through the use of meters. The same methods for conserving your water in the home can also be used when it comes to cutting down on your gas or electric bill by watching your hot water intake.

A major area for the loss of hot water is the bath. In order to cut costs, consider installing a water smart showerhead - these easy to screw on water savers can be bought both as attachable heads, which are mounted directly on your shower spout, or as heads attached to a tube which allows for flexibility and a large range of motion. The best water saving heads will have several controls to adjust the flow and pressure of water.

You should also take a look at repairing any leaky taps in your home, whether in the bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room. A leaky tap can mean hundreds of gallons of water used needlessly every day, in addition to the annoyance of the noise.

Heating and Cooling: The main factors in energy use as far as homes go is in their heating in the wintertime and cooling in the form of air conditioning in the summer time. Some basic home improvement ideas can help you maintain a static temperature in your home without having to use extra power.

Windows are always the first area to check in the event of air loss. Older houses contain only single-pane windows, and in order to retain the air temperature of your house double paned windows are necessary; in fact, in many places double paned windows are mandatory. Upgrading your windows is a relatively easy task, although the windows themselves may be expensive. Check the seals around the window edges to make sure they are intact and offer no leaks.

The next area to check for air leaks is around your doors. Doors will contract over time, leaving minute cracks along the bottoms and the edges which can allow drafts or escaped air. This is a pretty simple thing to fix, simply by adding some additional caulking or weather stripping to the area where you can feel the leak.

Finally, a roof in need of repair can cause a lot of air to escape. Remember that heat rises, so if your roof is in disrepair you stand to lose quite a lot of heat out of the top of your home. Check your roof every year to make sure there are no loose shingles, and most houses require a roof to be replaced every twenty-five years. Adding a second whirlybird to the top of your house can greatly improve the circulation of air inside.

Monday, August 15, 2016

What was the volvo s90

The Volvo S90 belongs to the range of rear wheel drive cars and vehicles that were built by Volvo, the car manufacturer from Sweden. This vehicle was manufactured and built during the 1980s and the 1990s. Just like the range of vehicles that it belonged to, the Volvo S90 were crafted and created so as to tickle the interest and appeal of the American market. By doing such, Volvo then was able to further expand its growing company in the United States.

Going back to Volvo history, the Volvo S90 was actually first introduced as the Volvo 960. This vehicle was first launched in the autumn of 1990. This was done so because the company wanted the vehicle to be on the streets come the following year. This vehicle has become the replacement for the Volvo 760. The last two years that this vehicle was into production and manufactured, it was called as the Volvo S90 or as the Volvo V90. The production of this line of Volvo models was entirely halted come the year 1998.

It has been said that the Volvo S90, when the vehicle model had been called as such, only went through minor changes. These changes included an altering and modification as per its switches, levers and center console. There were also some additional features like additional tweeters and pillars that surely added and enhanced the passenger compartment. Because of these changes, the Volvo S90 later on sped through the race to the top and grabbed the top spot of Volvo’s product line up for the United States and North America.

The Volvo S90s that were marketed and sold in the United States came equipped with an electronically controlled Asian AW automatic gearbox. However, if you go to Europe, the Volvo S90s there during the beginning of the model year 1995 held 2.5 liter engines that became available along with the manual gearbox. This was called as the M90 and was considered to be a strong design and a good source of power. Other standard features that this vehicle held included power driver seats, passenger leather seats, heated power outside rearview mirrors, and a power tilt glass sun roof with one touch open and slide features. Given as options were heated seats, an outside temperature gauge, an automatic locking differential, a stereo/cassette and CD player, as well as a remote controlled compact disc charger.

Web hosting provider and their services

Web Hosting Provider and Their Services

Web hosting service falls under the category of Internet hosting service and is the most important aspect of your web presence. Web hosting providers give users the scope for stocking up information, imageries, video or other things that is reachable via the World Wide Web. Web hosting service companies help their clients by providing space on a server owned by them. In a data center, web hosting provider gives their customers the access to the Internet also. Web hosting providers also help in collocation where internet connection and data center space are allotted to the servers, not owned by them. There are numerous web hosting providers for running web servers.

There are web hosting providers whose services are restricted to the web. The free web hosting providers offer web hosting service free of cost or sometimes it is totally backed by advertisement. If you compare this service to paid hosting service, then this is very much constrained. The clustered web hosting providers boasts of several servers that host identical content. Thus, the provision for resource exploitation gets enhanced. Then there are shared web hosting providers whose websites share the same server with many other sites. The range of these sites ranges from just a few to more than thousands. .

The duty of collocation web hosting providers is almost similar to dedicated web hosting providers. The dedicated hosting service providers help the user to obtain his/her own web server. The user gets the total command over the web server. But, the collocation web hosting providers facilitates the process of the user to own the server. The server gets hold of the physical space provided by the web hosting company. The company also looks after the server. The most potent and costly web hosting service is provided by collocation web hosting service. Mostly, the machine of the client gets equipped with electrical appliances, Internet admittance and storage space for the server. .

The clients themselves become web hosts in reseller web hosting service. For separate domains and under any mishmash of the programmed categories of hosting the resellers can carry out functions. The affiliation with the web hosting provider is important here. The virtual web hosting providers slice up a server into virtual servers. Though, in this case, users can think that they are being provided dedicated web hosting service, but, practically, they are allocated a server along. .

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Jello shot

A gelatin shot or jello shot is always a good party favorite which entails the use of some form of alcohol, usually rum, vodka, tequila or in extreme cases even grain alcohol. The alcohol is used to replace some of the water or fruit juice used to congeal the jello shot mix.

An American mathematician by the name of Tom Lehrer has been said to have been the 1st to create the jello shot in the early 1950s while working for the NSA, where he developed vodka jello as a way to circumvent a restriction of alcoholic beverages on base, but this claim has not been confirmed as yet.

The maximum alcohol content is somewhere between 19 and 20 oz. of vodka per 3 oz. package of Jell-O powder, or about 30% (ABV) alcohol by volume.


A few gelatinous desserts can be manufactured using agar instead of jello, allowing them to set far quicker and at higher temperatures. Agar, a vegetable product made from seaweed and is used especially in jello powder mix for a quicker setting time and Asian jello desserts, but also as an alternative that is acceptable to vegans and vegetarians. Agar is more closely related to pectin and other gelling plant carbohydrates than to ordinary gelatin.

There is one other vegetarian alternative to gelatin which is carrageenan. This alternative sets harder than agar and is often used in kosher style cooking. Though it, too, is a type of seaweed, it does not to have a bad smell when being cooked as agar sometimes has.


Fresh pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which must can never be allowed to mix with the jello shot mix as this enzyme will prevent the jello from setting, this is common in most citrus and tropical fruits. Papaya and pawpaw contain the enzyme papain, kiwi fruit contains actinidin, and figs contain ficin - all with similar effects. Cooking denatures the enzyme, rendering it inoperative

Skateboarding a fun alternative solution

Some kids just don't seem to get into team sports. For one reason or another, children may shy away from the conventional recreational activities offered today, such as basketball or baseball. While some parents frown at the idea of their children not doing the same activities as they did growing up, neglecting your child's physical activity due to a disinterest in common sports is a terrible idea. It's important to ensure that you're child gets their exercise - exercise is important to the health of both the body and the mind.

To that end, many parents have been realizing that their children can boost their self esteem and engage in intense physical activity through skateboarding. It's a common choice for those who don't prefer team sports - it offers your child the opportunity to make goals and then commit to them, causing them to be proud. Many parents shy away from the alternative sport due to the prospect of injury their child faces; we've all seen the videos on TV of kids breaking their arm or leg while attempting a skateboard stunt. However, when properly performed, skateboarding can actually offer a lessened chance of injury over the common team sports that society encourages. Through the use of proper safety equipment and a sufficient understanding of the patience required by the sport, your child may end up with a few bumps and bruises, but it can really pay off when it comes to how they feel about themselves and the world.

Also, the ‘rebel' aspect of skateboarding has taken a bit of a backseat in our modern world. There are skateparks popping up across the nation, offering children a safe place to grow in their love of the sport. Plus, your child's social dynamic can really blossom when they're learning new tricks with new friends at the local skatepark. All in all, skateboarding provides a pretty complete solution to the needs of an adolescent. With Tony Hawk being one of the most recognizable faces on the planet, skateboarding has truly left its mark in the youth culture of today, and parents should learn about the benefits that the sport can have before condemning it and telling their child that they will break their neck. It can be more beneficial than you know.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fantastic methods to sleep like a baby

There are people who are in drastic need of sleep but just can’t seem to will their bodies to go to dreamland. They toss and turn until the sheets come off their beds, and they get the bitter realization that counting sheep doesn’t actually work.

Insomnia doesn’t just mean not being able to sleep a wink. It also means waking up lots of times during the night, or getting the feeling that you didn’t get a good night’s sleep, or waking up too early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep.

Almost half of America’s population suffers from insomnia, and practically everyone has experienced it at least once in their lifetime. Some suffer this disorder for years. Insomnia is something you have to be concerned about because it greatly affects your life and those around you.

It makes you cranky and moody, makes you lose your concentration, and in effect makes you lose friends. It could also weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to illnesses. So if you’re suffering from sleep deprivation, you’ve got to take steps to cure it ASAP.

You’ve got to diagnose what kind of insomnia you’re suffering from. You don’t need a doctor to do this for you. You can do it yourself.

Insomnia is caused by a lot of factors.

Psychological factors include depression, sadness, or anything that gives you negative feelings. These may arise from traumatic events that you couldn’t get out of your mind (like embarrassing incidents, financial problems, or death of a loved one). Stress, anxiety, excitement, and nervousness may contribute to insomnia.

Physical impediments may also cause insomnia. You have to see your doctor to determine if you’re suffering from any illness. Heart problems or medication may cause sleeplessness.

The food that you intake may also be a factor contributing to insomnia. Don’t take anything that has caffeine in it. This includes coffee, chocolate, and tea. Check the food you eat and trash those that contain caffeine. The same goes with alcohol and nicotine. Like caffeine, these are stimulants that help to keep your mind awake. Alcohol does help induce sleep, but it doesn’t give you a GOOD night’s sleep because of certain compounds it contains that keep some organs (like your stomach) active.

Don’t engage in any exercise too close to bedtime because it increases heart rate, akin to making you excited, and in effect making you unable to fall asleep.

Make sure that everything is nice and quiet by the time you get to bed. Find a bed that you’re comfortable sleeping in. Turn out the lights to help you sleep better.

Stop looking at that clock! You will get stressed out if you do, and it could keep you awake even longer. It would be better if the clock is nowhere near your bed. If you need an alarm clock, turn its face away from you.

Some people actually find some sounds to be helpful in lulling them to sleep. A droning sound that goes on and on, like the whirring of the electric fan or the air conditioner, can help filter out irritating sounds like the noise of horns honking in the night.

Set your room to a temperature that makes you comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Decide on your sleeping schedule and stick with it. Even if you have work and it entails different shifts, stick to a schedule that you could follow most of the time.

Don’t take too many naps because it reduces the likelihood of you falling asleep right away at night.

Don’t keep on complaining about not being able to sleep. It just makes you stressed out. Relax. Have a nice warm bath to relax and soothe your body. Try herbal remedies. You could also attend therapy sessions that help relax your body, like meditation. Sex is another great cure. The main purpose is for you to relax enough to fall asleep.

These are some tips to get rid of insomnia. You shouldn’t ignore the consequences brought about by insomnia because it produces stress and negatively affects your health. Try out these methods, and have pleasant dreams!

Using the sun to cut pool heating costs

One of the biggest energy expenses for homes is heating the pool. Using the power of the sun can keep you swimming in the middle of winter.

If you have a pool, you know heating it can run your utility bill through the roof. Fortunately, there are a number of practical steps that can be taken to cut costs.

Many people who complain about the cost of heating their pools fail to take common sense steps to cut the bill. One of the unrealized costs is the power required to run the filter circulation system. Spend the money on a high powered pump and you will save money. The more you pump, the less time it will need to be on.

Next, make absolutely sure you use a cover for the pool. Heat escapes through uncovered surfaces. If you’re not using the pool, put a cover on it just like you would a hot tub. Try to add a solar bubble cover, which will create a bit of water heat by letting the sun in. Regardless, using a pool cover will make a major difference in your utility bill. Don’t be lazy! Make sure you keep the cover on the pool.

Even pool covers can only do so much to keep a pool warm. For some people, cutting the costs associated with warming a pool means going to a solar system. Solar heating systems for pools can be a very cost effective way to keep water warm throughout much of the year without driving your utility bill through the roof.

Solar platforms typically will heat a pool up to around 80 degrees, but not much more. The systems tend to be less expensive than home heating systems because they are smaller and need fewer components. You solar vendor can help you figure out what you need for your particular situation, but the rule of thumb is you need panels totaling half the size of the pool. This can vary based on whether the pool has a dark bottom and is isolated from the wind.

With utility bills soaring, many people are forgoing heating their pools to save money. By taking practical steps and possibly using a solar heating system, you’ll have the glory of swimming in January and not worrying about the utility bill.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Interview with svatoslav sterba the winner of world marbles championship 2005

In July 2005, the first World Marbles Championship in individual hole game took place in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The championship started on Friday, July 22 by official training. On Saturday, July 23, the competitors played against each other in two groups. They competed for better position in Sunday's double elimination system -- the group winners were seeded as number 1 and 2, players on the second places were seeded as number 3 and 4 etc. So the group winners played with the last one from another group in the first round on Sunday.

On Sunday, July 24, the crucial part of the tournament started. Everybody had in mind that the winner of the double elimination system will become the World Marble Champion. After many hours of dramatic matches there were known the finalists - Svatoslav Sterba and Zbynek Fojtik (both representatives of the Czech Republic). It was very equal match in the beginning. But over time Svatoslav Sterba improved his game and rightly won the title of the World Marble Champion.

A few months later, in the time when the new marble season starts, we interviewed Mr. Sterba and asked him the following questions:

1. You won Czech Marbles Championship 2002. In the year 2003 you beat over 200 competitors and was #2 in the Czech National Ranking. Next year you didn't participate in any marble tournament. And in April 2005 you were back and in very good condition -- in the first national tournament of the year 2005 you won 3rd place. Do you remember how did you feel before and after this tournament and what was your ambitions for the incoming season?

Yes, I remember it very well. I have had serious health problems during all 2004 year. For that reason I was not able to play nor to train not only the game itself but also my physical condition. So I did not expect some results on the first tournament and also in course of the whole season 2005. The most important to me was to be back and in the condition enabling me to play. The third place was very agreeable surprise form me.

2. You easily qualified for the Czech National Championship. It was (except the Word Championship, of course) the most important tournament of the year. But your results were not according to your wish. What happened?

I had a complete drop-out of my form, the real “blackout” which hits me only once or twice a year, fortunately. In addition to it there was bad weather at that time and I really do not like to play after rain in wet and dripping grounds. Everything summed-up resulted in my finishing after three matches.

3. Czech National Championship took place 5 weeks before the World Championship. When did you forget the bad result and began to concentrate for World Marbles Championship?

I put the bad result on the Czech National Championship out of my mind very quickly. As I do not know exactly the reasons of my “total blackout”, it would be senseless to be concerned with it. In the other side, in the same weather conditions existing in the World Marbles Championship, the things would had turned out with me similarly as in the Czech National Championship.

4. What was your ambitions just before the World Marbles Championship? Did you believe that you will win?

I have never dreamt of that. Not even after the first day when I won the qualifying group. The reason also was that my first rival on final was the Czech player and I did not wont it. Besides I lost all matches with him in the whole season 2005. Some of them were balanced up to the end but I did not manage the finish. Therefore I was very afraid of the first match in the World Marbles Championship final and I did not think of the victory at all.

5. What was your tactic before and during the Championship?

I had not any special tactics. I tried to concentrate on each marble and to avoid my usual mistakes. Of course, I’ll not reveal my mistakes to facilitate my rivals situation in future matches.

6. On Saturday you played very well and you won in your group. It was good position for next day because you was seeded as #1 for the double elimination. Did you feel that the title is very close? How did you prepare in the last hours before the final part of the tournament?

I already answered it partly above. Before the day of final matches I was very nervous, I even slept bad and far too little. For that reason I came to the court earlier to warm up and get going. A great help was also beautiful weather as well as beautiful surroundings where the tournament was realised - view of the river Vltava, Charles Bridge and National Theatre is really splendid and calming.

7. From your point of view, what was the most important moments in your way to the World Marble Champion title?

Even that I outlined above. For me it was very important that I was successful in the first match with the rival which whom I in this year (2005) did not win. And it was in the situation when I rather easily lost two first games in this match and the situation seems bad. After it I won two following games and in the decisive fifth game I won too.

8. World Marbles Championship 2006 is coming soon. What are your ambitions this year?

I am very happy to be historically the first world champion in this beautiful game. It’s my duty to do the maximum for the successful fight and defence the title. But I realise that to defend the title is always much more difficult than to win it first time. All will depend on the weather, on my game and also on my health.

This are the words of current World Marble Champion. Maybe there will be interview with you next year -- you are welcome to come and represent your country. World Marbles Championship committees would like to invite people from all countries to participate in this tournament. For more information please visit the official World Marbles Championship 2006 website and contact the organization staff today!

Finding cute baby clothes

Everybody wants their baby to look cute. People always try finding out clothes which are comfortable and make their baby look cute. There are number of places from where you can find cute baby clothes. Many parents like their babies to dress their babies in a cowboy or a cowgirl style.

There are a variety of options for parents to choose cute baby clothes for their babies. From the printed tee shirts to comfy denims the choices with baby clothes retailers are numerous. Choosing western outfit baby clothes for your babies also makes them stylish and cute at the same time. Finding cute baby clothes you should not underestimate comfort ability of clothes. You should make it sure that the clothes which make your baby look cute is also comfortable to him or her. Confirm the quality of the clothes and also see the fabric doesn’t harm the tender skin of their babies.

It always suggested going for brands while choosing cute baby clothes, especially those which exclusively offer baby clothes. These brands assure of you of their quality which is also very important factor while choosing cute baby clothes. Plus, you also get great options on choosing clothes from a wide array choice available to you. Cute baby clothes are also an exclusive option with these brands.

Some of the common examples that can help you while finding cute baby clothes for babies are to go for clothes with fur. Clothes with fur are not only cute looking, comfortable but are also warm that also protects them from cool temperatures of winter season. Other good choices of cute clothes are combination of caps with clothes with rabbit ears on their caps. Clothes which depict cartoons of animals are also very cute for your babies.

Many parents like to buy clothes with cute scriptures written on it. You can ask for lovely clothes with cool colors having beautiful scriptures written on it. Searching in internet for cute baby clothes is also a great idea. There are not a wide variety of clothes available under cute baby clothes but you have an advantage on searching in the web. You can decide which clothes are best to make babies cute. You can also read opinions of other parents who have purchased cute baby clothes plus you can choose great varieties of cute baby clothes just by sitting in front of you desktop.

Relish the taste of summer with easy homemade pickling

Is it possible to extend the fresh flavors of summer just a little longer? In days past, the solution was pickling and canning vegetables, like corn and cucumbers, that peak during the warm weather months.

While today's busy schedules don't leave much time for old-fashioned pickling, refrigerator pickling is an easy way to capture summer in a jar. Preparation time is just 20 minutes and the taste is so authentic, people will swear you spent all day in the kitchen. Anyone can do it and no special equipment is needed.

Simply place uncooked, fresh vegetables into sterile jars. Prepare a mixture of vinegar, sugar, salt and spices and bring to a boil. Then pour the boiling pickling liquid over the produce, close the jar lids tightly, and place in the refrigerator. Your pickled produce will last two months.

The flavor experts at McCormick offer these tips to ensure refrigerator pickling success:

* Sterilize jars by covering with water in a large saucepot and boiling for 10 minutes.

* Always start with just-ripened produce that is free from bruises or bad spots.

* Dill, mustard seed, turmeric, red pepper, allspice, celery seed and mixed pickling spice are perfect flavors for pickling.

* Use non-iodized salt. Iodized salt may leave white sediment on pickles or cause clouding of pickling liquid.

* Vinegar and salt amounts should never be reduced or diluted because they are essential for the pickling process.

* Allow filled jars to cool before placing in refrigerator.



(Makes 8 half-pint jars)

2 pounds pickling cucumbers

(4 to 5 inches long)

2 1/2 cups distilled white

vinegar (5 percent acidity)

2 cups sugar

1/4 cup McCormick Minced


2 tablespoons non-iodized salt

1 tablespoon McCormick

Celery Seed

1 tablespoon McCormick

Mustard Seed

1 teaspoon McCormick

Ground Turmeric

Wash cucumbers with cold water. Cut off ends and cut into 1/8-inch thick slices. Place slices into 8 hot sterilized half-pint canning jars with lids or 4 pint jars with lids.

Mix remaining ingredients in medium saucepan. Bring to boil on medium-high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar and salt. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Ladle over cucumbers, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Stir each jar well. Cool. Place lids on jars. Refrigerate pickles. Shake jars once a day for 3 to 5 days to redistribute seasonings and blend flavors.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Helping students survive sudden cardiac arrest

Right now, millions of students across the country are participating in physical activities at their schools - a basketball or soccer game, football and cheerleading practice or gym class. What if one of them had a life-threatening cardiac emergency? Would the school be prepared?

Sudden cardiac arrest strikes more than 340,000 Americans each year, including children and teens, usually without warning. Heart conditions tend to go undetected and often manifest themselves during physical activity. In the event of a cardiac arrest, a quick response and the early use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) are critical to improving the chances of survival.

According to the American Heart Association, early use of AEDs - portable devices that analyze the heart's rhythm and deliver an electric shock to reestablish a normal heartbeat - could raise the chance of survival by 20 percent or more.

"Nearly 95 percent of cardiac arrest victims die - usually because defibrillation occurs too late," said Dr. Vincent Mosesso Jr. of the National Center for Early Defibrillation based at the University of Pittsburgh. "Every minute that passes before returning the heart to a normal rhythm decreases the chance of survival by 10 percent. Patients who receive CPR [cardiopulmonary resuscitation] and a defibrillator shock within three minutes of going into sudden cardiac arrest have the best odds of survival."

Unfortunately, many schools aren't equipped with AEDs.

For that reason, Duracell and Zoll Medical Corp. have teamed up to help inform parents and educators about the importance of being prepared for these critical situations.

"Through this campaign, we want to work with communities across the country to provide their schools with the tools necessary to help save lives," said Kara Salzillo, manager of brand communications for Duracell.

Tapestry start to finish

The American Heritage dictionary defines a tapestry as “a heavy cloth woven with rich, often varicolored designs or scenes, usually hung on walls for decoration and sometimes used to cover furniture”. Another statement, from a craft book, is that a Tapestry is Art in a Plain Weave. Occasionally, nowadays, one hears people refer to a needlepoint wall hanging as a tapestry, but this is not correct – needlepoint is stitched on canvas. A tapestry is woven on a loom.

Weaving actually has its roots in ancient basketry, which requires stiff fibers. The invention of a loom allowed the use of flexible fibers, which holds the lengthwise warp strands taut while the crosswise weft strands are woven in.

In a tomb in Egypt, a pottery dish, dated 4400 BC, was found. On this dish was a picture of a loom that appeared to be based on pegs in the ground that held the rods to which the warp threads were harnessed. A loom, not too unlike today’s tapestry loom, appeared in Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty, 1567 to 1320 BC. The Navajo Indians still use a similar loom.

Looms changed little until the eighteenth century, when different inventions, mostly by Englishmen, gradually introduced mechanization. During the Industrial Revolution, hand weaving almost became a lost art, but in some parts of the world it remained an artisan craft. With the revival of interest in hand crafts, people sought out weavers in Scandinavia, the mountains of Tennessee and rural districts of the British Isles to learn the ancient art. Hand weaving is nowadays pursued more for pleasure than profit.

Through the ages, weaving principles have remained the same, from those early pegs in the ground to the mechanized looms of today. The three elements are making the shed, picking and beating. The warp is the basis of the cloth and the weft is woven in to form the weave and the design of the piece. Alternately, the warp threads are raised to pass the shuttle with the weft threads through. The gap created is called the shed. A row of weft is known as the pick. Beating is making sure that the pick is even and pushed down against the previous pick.

The warp takes a lot of stress, so it should be of a strong fiber. When planning the dimensions, at least ten per cent extra should be allowed on the width to allow for the pulling in on the selvedges, which are formed by the turn of the weft around the outside warp ends. Warp threads must be carefully prepared and correctly placed on the loom.

Tapestry weaving requires special techniques. The weaver fills in color areas one at a time, leaving slits in the fabric, which are then stitched afterwards. If the tapestry is to be hung vertically, the slits are sometimes left open.

The pattern or the picture for the tapestry is done by an artist on card – this is sometimes called the cartoon. The weaver uses this as the “blueprint”. Nowadays, in mechanized tapestry production, the artist creates a painting the size of the final tapestry. Then a technical design is made showing each stitch of the weft and card is punched by electronic equipment to fit the jacquard loom.

The very beautiful tapestries in old cathedrals, places and art museums were painstakingly woven by hand. Some were commissioned by royalty, some were made by the artists and some by lowly paid workers. Decorative tapestry was portable – noblemen could transport it to different residences and churches could bring it out to hang for special occasions.

Modern tapestries can be used on cushions or as wall hangings. However it was designed to be used, a piece of tapestry can become come a family heirloom.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Why does it take so long to get a black belt in karate

Many of you reading this article may already be well on your way to becoming a black belt in your chosen martial art. Some of you may just be starting out on your journey and others may have reached the coveted black belt and are now working towards higher degrees of the black belt.

How long were you told it should take you to get the black belt? Two years? Three years? Five? Ten? Why does it take so long to get a black belt? This article will help to answer your questions.

In general, it takes about 3 to 5 years to get your black belt in most legitimate martial arts. This timeframe can be shortened or lengthened based on several factors such as your commitment to your training, your overall technical ability, your ability to learn and digest new material, and other factors.

Is three to five years a long time? It depends on how you look at it. If you practice karate twice a week for one hour each session then in three years you will have only done 312 hours of karate practice. That does not sound like a lot of time spent on becoming a black belt over a three-year time span.

Looking at it differently if you practice karate twice a week for 1 Ѕ hours each session then after four years you will have done 624 hours of karate practice – twice as much as the first example but only one more year of training. This kind of schedule seems to be more acceptable.

The next thing to consider is the curriculum specific to your style of martial arts. If we look at the art of Shotokan Karate as an example, by the time you are black belt you should have a high level of knowledge of about 20 to 25 major techniques that account for your basic punches, blocks, kicks and strikes, about 10 different forms (kata) and 5 major types of sparring drills. These include multiple set defenses that should be memorized and practiced until they become second nature.

These are just the main requirements for the black belt and this does not include some of the additional content that is practiced on the way to black belt. When you put this information into the context of the suggested timeframe above you can probably now see why getting a black belt takes a considerable commitment of time and effort.

Getting a black belt is not intended to be easy. The black belt is an esteemed symbol of a person’s technical skill and martial arts knowledge and is something to be proud of achieving. Ultimately, the time it takes to get your black belt should not be your primary concern. Your focus should center on improving your karate skills and on improving yourself as a person. By doing this it will only be a matter of time before you reach your desired black belt goal and it will not matter to you whether it takes 3 years or 6 years. All that will matter is that you accomplished your goal!

For more specific information on the Black Belt and how to become a Black Belt, check out my FREE report: Achieving the Black Belt: How to Successfully Take Your Karate to the Next Level. You can download it at freekarateinformation. com

Keep training and good luck on your quest for the black belt. Please contact me at Paul@freekarateinformation. com if you need some encouragement along the way.

Good luck and best wishes on your journey in karate.