Sunday, November 13, 2016

Passport to wealth

What is your passport to wealth ? Everyone is blessed with gifts. Some people are great artists, great ball players, and others great musicians. The key to creating wealth is finding your talents both hidden and others not hidden. Which is why making money is so simple when you look at it in those terms. For instance let's look at a baseball player like Alex Rodriguez. His gift in life is the ability to play baseball. Would it make sense for Alex Rodriguez to start golfing? No way! Just like it would make no sense for Tiger Woods or Dale Earnhardt Jr. to start playing baseball. Or take for example Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players of all time. When he tried his luck at baseball he failed miserably, why? His talent was not to be a baseball player but to be a basketball player.

The next step to your passport to wealth, after you find your talent, is to practice. This is the reason most people are just average and do not create a life of abundance for themselves, they do not practice. Every professional I know of, it doesn't matter whether we are talking about sports or business, practices all the time. What you do in with your spare time counts. Instead of watching Dancing With The Stars you should be building your wealth. Make the most of your time. Most people just see the end result and do not see all the work, effort and heartbreaking struggles the pros go through. The key is repetition. Also do not be afraid of making mistakes, just learn from your mistakes.

Another key to your passport to wealth is finding successful people to learn from. This may sound harsh but ditch your loser friends and hang around successful proven winners. You become who you hang around with. Let's say you begin to hang around a friend who whines all the time about how unfair the world is to him, I guarantee within a few weeks you will be doing the same thing. But the same goes if you begin to hang around a successful business person. So find great people to learn from.

So overall your main passport to wealth is yourself. What habits do you have? How do you feel about yourself? Do you feel you deserve to be wealthy? Are you the type who gets things done or makes excuse after excuse? So instead of looking everywhere on the Internet for your passport to wealth, just look in the mirror. You are your own passport to wealth and no one can tell you other wise. Remember there is no free ride in this world. You must earn everything in this world and you must have the right tools in order to succeed in your business. If you do not have the right tools and mindset then you will fail no matter what any company promises you. So you are your own passport to wealth and don't let any company tell you any other.

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