Losing weight can be a frustrating and sometimes depressing endeavor. This is probably why most people don’t follow through with a diet plan. However, for those with the will and determination to lose weight, the rewards are tremendous. A successful dieter will not only look good, but feel good too, and will have learned the value of maintaining a healthy body.
When dieting, you might feel you always feel tempted to eat the wrong kinds of foods or overeat. The answer is not to restrain every urge of hunger; that will only end in failure. Instead, learn how to eat in moderation… and not with diet pills (you can shed those pounds through safe, natural means, without harming your vital organs).
Here are some helpful tips to healthy, natural weight loss:
•Eat small meals and eat frequently
Three meals a day may be what you’re used to eating – but that is not the way to lose those extra pounds. Every time you eat, your metabolism starts working, burning those calories and instantly breaking down food for energy and nutritional contents.
With a meager three meals a day, your metabolism has plenty of time to slow down and this is not good if you want to lose weight. You want your metabolism to stay on the job.
If you eat five to six small meals a day, you can burn more fats. Likewise, you also tend to feel less hungry as a result and are less likely to overeat. Protein bars are great to snack on, but make sure they are low in carbohydrates and high in protein (read the nutrition label).
•Drink enough water
Our bodies are seventy percent water and they’re supposed to be that way! In order to maintain this balance, it’s important to drink plenty of liquids. Water helps flush out body toxins and waste and also helps your body to properly utilize all the nutrients from you food. This is essential for dieting.
Moreover, water makes your body elastic and thus minimizes stretch marks that normally occur after weight loss. As well, the cushions for your joints (which are usually weakened when you lose body fat) are also strengthened if you drink lots of water. Not to mention, water enhances your complexion!
•Don’t eat before bedtime
A midnight snack or meal before bedtime is something to avoid when trying to lose weight. Because your metabolism slows down when you sleep, any foods you eat up to three hours before you hit the sack are not metabolized well. They will be stored as fat because they are not burned effectively. If eating before bedtime is unavoidable, at least try to eat light.
•Cardiovascular exercises
Cardiovascular exercises play an important role in weight loss. The best diet regimen in the world may not get you to your ideal weight if you don’t also exercise regularly.
If you do cardiovascular exercise at least four times a week, for at least twenty minutes each session, then it will help your weight loss immensely. You may want to increase the time and intensity after you have adjusted to your workout.
The ideal time to exercise is the in the morning before you eat. This way, your glycogen stores are low and later your body will burn carbohydrates and fats more effectively.
•High Protein Diet
A high protein calorie diet is excellent for retaining muscle and maintaining a fast-acting metabolism. The body tends to burn carbohydrates first, because they are its main energy source.
Once it runs out of carbohydrates to burn, it will then burn fats for body fuel. So if you do not have enough protein in your diet, your body will eventually make use of your hard-earned muscle for fuel.
•Lower your carbs
It is important to limit your carbohydrate intake so that your body can burn most of its contained fats. As mentioned before, the body usually burns carbohydrates first before it moves onto burning fats, so simply put, the less carbohydrates burned, the more fat burned.
Carbohydrates, combined with protein, are best to take in the morning, so as to give your body a jump-start. This will give you ample energy for the rest of the day.
•Multivitamins are good for you
While dieting and exercising, it’s also a good idea to take multivitamins. They will help you remain healthy and strong as they provide essential vitamins and minerals to the body. Because certain necessary food groups are often overlooked, these multivitamins can compensate for certain deficiencies. Just be careful when you choose a multivitamin – you want to take what you are lacking in, not what you already have or don’t need.
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